
We’re aiming to maximize amazing interactions with other people by expanding our comfort zones through social challenges.


Think back to a social interaction you’ve had in the past few months. Were there any interactions you wish had gone differently? Maybe you wish you had said what you were really thinking at the time rather than staying quiet. Maybe you were in a group and were too afraid to speak up at all. You probably left that interaction without asking for what you really want. Damn, that sucked.


If you want to improve your basketball skills, you practice everyday. You challenge yourself to go above and beyond what you thought was previously impossible. This is no different for improving your being awesome skills. We are a growing community of people that want to become the best versions of ourselves that we can.

Everyday you’ll receive a social challenge that will make you feel uncomfortable. You might have to take a selfie with a stranger, or ask a stranger to pose as your significant other. This achieves three things:

  1. It expands your comfort zone. If you can ask a stranger to pose as your significant other, you can probably do other, less weird things.
  2. It creates stories for other people. The subject of your social dive will go home and tell their friends a hilarious story about how someone asked them to “rate their dancing”.
  3. Human interactions will feel more, well, human. The ephemeral relationship you build with the subject of your social dive is pretty fucking intoxicating.
