Let's Pick Our Noses

Let's Pick Our Noses

Challenge: Ask three girls to take a picture and pretend to pick their noses!

Reflection: 2 for 1!

So the reason I claim that this was a 2 for 1 challenge is because one challenge is to get a picture with 3 people of the opposite gender, and the other is to get a picture with someone pretending to pick their nose!

Before: Now at this point I was feeling quite good about myself. I had already completed 2 challenges leading up to this one, so I was in a state of what we call “God Mode”. This basically is where you feel so good and so confident that you can pretty much do anything.

During: Like I said, I was already in “God Mode” and I knew that I had 2 challenges left at this point. On top of all that, I was getting pretty tired of walking around and being stressed out over these challenges. But, I felt confident enough to do practically anything (which is the whole point of this SocialDive thing anyways I suppose). So I devised a plan for this picture. I would stop a group of 3 girls and ask them to take a picture with me with the intent of taking a silly one! In my head, I had already worked out what I was going to say:

“Hey would you mind taking a quick photo with me? Yeah? Cool, uh lets do something silly….hmm, what should we do? (Already knowing what the picture was going to be) Oh I have a great idea! Let’s all pretend to pick our noses!!!”

After: Being in “God Mode” really helped me pull this off. I was speaking clearly, no stuttering, and in fact I definitely was not nervous about this whatsoever! We took the picture, all laughed, and parted ways! As I was walking away I could hear the girls laughing and talking about how random the encounter was. At the end of it all, I’m glad that they left laughing. It really helped lighten the mood and reaffirmed my thought that what we are doing isn’t a huge deal, rather it is just all in good fun and that there is no reason to really even stress over these challenges in the first place!